Thursday, August 8, 2013

everyday is halloween at jellystone park...

So, while we were camping, we found out about a candy grab Halloween event. Heck yeah. Lets go beg for candy, that's what I say. However, we had to dress up. It's not like we packed costumes or anything...

However, you have to love my Mom and Dad...

Did you know that a tiara and magical wand can be made with aluminum foil and cardboard from a 12 pack of Coke? Well I'm here to tell you they can. My mother then combined those with my Princess PJ's and I was ready to go!

But what about Owen???

Well, my father threw him in his Superman PJ's, but...

Owen needed a c-a-p-e!!!

Not to worry, my Dad flew into the camper faster than a speeding bullet and came out shaking his red tee-shirt over his head. Yes! He wrapped it around Owen's neck and a super hero was born. I didn't have the heart to tell Owen that the tee-shirt was pulled out of the hamper. LOL. Anyway...

Superman and Princess Elle --- ready to Trick or Treat in August.
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